Sit Stand Desk and Workstation

Sitting too much has been linked to many diseases, such as obesity, heart problems and diabetes. It can also cause early death.

This is understandable. Being inactive can lead to weight gain, which can cause heart attack, stroke, hypertension, etc.

"Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting," according to a Dr. James Levine, author of the book "Get Up."

It was found that for every 60 minutes you spend sitting, you shorten your life by about 20 minutes!

Even if you exercise!

What's the solution?

Most people are forced to sit too much due to their jobs. And when they come home, they also sit most of the time.

The very simple solution is using sit to stand desk or adjustable desktop workstation.

sit to stand desk or adjustable desktop workstation

 They allow you to alternate between sitting and standing while working.

In other words, you stand and work until you get tired, then you can sit down to rest.

The desk from the picture above even has the sit/stand time reminder system to alert you when it’s time to stand. Awesome!
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Help With Nausea - Wristband

Instant motion or morning sickness relief.

This is an amazing gadget.

You wear it on the palm side of the forearm just above the wrist.

It uses electrical pulses so you need to apply the conductive gel, it will work without it.

While wearing this anti nausea wristband, you can enjoy even rough seas.

Some of my sailing friends laughed at it, but it quickly became the most passed off item between them.

Fantastic for all kinds of nausea from boating, flying or any other reasons for nausea.

It's comfortable to wear. Once you try you will become a believer!

I make sure to always keep this wristband close by and even next to my bed in case I'm woken up in the middle of the night with nausea from my migraine headaches so I can put it on right away.

I don't know what I would do with out it.
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